Businesses and not-for-profit organizations need a reliable bookkeeping system that is based on established accounting principles. Bookkeeping is the process of recording all information regarding the financial transactions and activities of the business. So, bookkeeping is a part of accounting. Collecting, organizing, storing, and accessing the company's financial information for two basic purposes: facilitating the day-to-day operations and preparing financial statements and reports, which are the main duties of the bookkeepers. In other words, bookkeeping (recordkeeping) is the financial information infrastructure of the company. To be successful, business financial information needs to be accurate, complete, and timely.
Fortunately, many routine processes are automated and computerized, and bookkeeping is no exception. Today, all companies: small, medium, and large, are able to use accounting software and bookkeeping software depending on their needs. There are many software organizations that offer their computer programs, including bookkeeping and accounting software.
Using bookkeeping software instead of manually entering data into the company’s specialized journals (purchases journal, sales journal, cash receipts journal, cash payments journal, and others) gives business well-defined benefits. Bookkeeping includes a recording of various business financial transactions, including sales, purchases, payments, and others.
Before computers and computer programs came into our life, bookkeeping was associated with manually entering financial transactions into special journals. Organizations used different journals such as sales journals, purchases journals, cash payments journals, cash receipts journals, and others. Later, all numbers contained in journals were рlaced into corresponding general ledger accounts. Manual adding financial transactions into corresponding journals, entering into the right accounts, calculating the account balances, and other operations could give some errors in the result. Finding and correcting errors require additional hours to retract the postings and entries.
Today, using computers and software in bookkeeping and accounting allows for removing many paper journals and eliminating many bookkeeping tasks. Moreover, bookkeeping software eliminates errors that could accrue while manually entering, rewriting, and calculating. Bookkeeping software, as well as accounting software, is accurate and fast in processing the information.
Bookkeeping is the most important and one of the most time-consuming aspects of the business. Certainly, bookkeeping software for small businesses differs from accounting software developed for large corporations. The main purpose of bookkeeping is to keep records of financial transactions such as invoices issued to clients, or payments a company has made to a vendor. So, in the bookkeeping process, bookkeepers collect, organize, and record financial transactions on a daily basis in chronological order.
When entrepreneurs just started their business, he/she can manage their finances with the help of software up to a point. Once the business gets to a certain size, new accounting tasks arise, including recording received and sent invoices, paying vendors, reconciling bank statements, posting banking transactions, ensuring timely and accurate payments to staff, and many others. All these tasks require somebody’s time. So, a small business owner needs bookkeeping assistance to complete the end-of-year accounts. Even a professional bookkeeper cannot fulfill this laborious work and needs the bookkeeping software for small businesses. There are many solutions offered by different software providers.
Before computerization, bookkeepers’ duties were composed of recording financial transactions in corresponding journals such as purchases, sales, receipts, payments, and others, and after those posting amounts to the determined accounts in the general ledger. After posting amounts had been posted into ledgers, accountants made assembly entries and prepare financial statements and other financial reports. Since computers and computer programs are widely used by companies and organizations to manage and control their business activities, the distinctions between bookkeeping and accounting have become blurred. Using accounting software, even bookkeeping software for small businesses enables automatically updating accounts in the general ledger.
Before selecting the bookkeeping software system, any small business owner should research which offered solutions that best meet his business needs. So, using computers and bookkeeping software solutions gives bookkeeping new opportunities. Desktop and mobile software allow eliminating many of the bookkeeping tasks and errors that can occur when amounts are manually entered, calculated, or rewritten. Moreover, bookkeeping software helps to increase the effectiveness of bookkeepers, reduce business expenses, and, as a result, increase business revenue.