Any equipment has a defined life expectancy. The life expectancy is dependent on the equipment type and technology it contains, and depending on how well the equipment is looked after; its expected life can be reached or cut short. All equipment is made up of diverse parts: moving and nonmoving, active and passive. During the equipment life, these parts can fail due to tear and wear. If maintenance is not carried out on time, equipment will deteriorate to the condition when it is beyond the "economic repair," i.e., the repair costs more than the replacement. In this case, if the maintenance does not occur at all, the equipment will break and halt. Therefore, it is extremely important to realize planned preventive maintenance and corrective maintenance, or, in other words, to fulfill the regular inspection and monitoring and, in the case of need, to repair the operational condition. Maintenance is crucial for the equipment's life and, as a result, is an important part of business running, so it cannot be ignored.
Preventive maintenance performed regularly on the equipment to lessen the probability of it failing requires planning maintenance on the time or usage-based and is performed while the equipment is working to prevent its unexpected destruction. It means that companies performing preventative maintenance need to plan, organize, schedule, and fulfill their service timely. Thus, preventive maintenance is complex to coordinate because the schedule of maintenance must be planned. Manually planning the activity of organizations performing equipment maintenance cannot be effective as it is impossible to take into consideration and juxtapose all aspects. Providing qualified preventive maintenance requires companies to take into account many aspects, and first of all, availability of required equipment and parts, human resources, the sequence of the necessary operations, efficient scheduling based on time or usage, and others.
Therefore, more and more companies practice the maintenance of their equipment on a regular schedule and, as a rule, get the best possible performance of their equipment.