Invoicing Software for Simple Creating and Managing Bills

invoicing software

Invoicing clients could be a burden. Customers might lose or misplace bills, forget to send checks, or have other situations. Moreover, if your invoicing technique is clunky or outdated, it may impact your customers' behavior and result in unpaid invoices. Before you know about that, the due date could be passed and the stream of your company’s revenue is decreased.

To retain clients and partners and get payments promptly, you should improve your invoicing process which implies informing recipients when and how they need to pay for bought products and services. Quick and accurate automatically creating invoices allows companies to reduce the manual effort, automatically track what they are owed, streamline the process for getting paid, and improve their cash flow.

Invoicing software is a computer program that generates a time-stamped commercial document that itemizes products or services, which are used by businesses to serve their clients, and establishes the amount owed for those goods and services. Invoicing software enables creating invoices that

may be printed, sent electronically, or mailed to customers. Invoice processing includes a range of steps that occur from the time an invoice is received until it is paid and recorded in the general ledger. Invoice processing software enables companies to fulfill a more “hands-off” approach to the management of accounts payable and helps accounting teams to free time and focus on more critical tasks.

Today, companies have a choice to use desktop, mobile, and web-based invoicing software with powerful features and functionality that allow them to automate and optimize their requests for payments. To take more benefits (including productivity and efficiency) these applications provide, you need to know as more as possible about each of the three types. See below what features invoicing software could provide.

Invoicing software can allow companies

  • Organize and store billing data in a single place. 
  • Easily generate and send personalized invoices to customers.
  • Create customized templates of invoices for each service and product.
  • Add the company's logo and generate professional invoices for every client.
  • Create an unlimited number of invoices for ordered goods or services.
  • Show product and price details in the invoices.
  • Save customer and product information for later use.
  • Easy recall and retrieve the invoices.
  • Convert quotes and estimates into invoices.
  • Automatically collect recurring payments.
  • Print and simultaneously send invoices via SMS, email, and client portals.
  • Keep tracking of the customers' invoice status and record unpaid invoices. 
  • Collect, chase, and easily find overdue invoices.
  • Easily identify customers needing to make payments. 
  • Generate multi-currency invoices.
  • Accept multiple/partial payments towards invoices.
  • Enable multiple payment gateways: credit cards, cash, bank transfers, and checks.
  • Send invoice payment reminders and schedule invoices to be automatically sent.
  • Schedule payments and control the company’s cash flow.
  • Confirmation of made payments with created receipts.
  • Have access to the invoice history.
  • Generate advanced reports and financial statements.
  • Integrate with the accounting system used by a company.

Invoicing software can be offered as a standalone application or a part of accounting, finance, ERP, or other software systems. To be able to fulfill its functions, invoicing software cannot actually work alone and need to use some accounting processes; therefore, invoicing tools are usually can be easily integrated with key business software or bundled in a complete accounting software system. In comparison to traditional manual paper invoices, invoice software helps companies to streamline the processing time and associated costs. These costs savings come from the economy on printing and postage costs, reduced timelines of receiving payments, and due to automating and optimization processes related to invoicing.

Invoicing software for small, middle-sized and large companies.

Advantages of using invoicing software

  • Improved office team effectiveness by automating and optimizing invoicing processes and the ability to manage all invoicing tasks in a single place.
  • Good customer relations through analyzing customer history, taking into account their needs, and providing the most convenient payment options.
  • Increased the number of customers due to the ability to handle a larger amount of customers and no limits on the number of created invoices.
  • Keeping customers who cannot pay for their whole order at once by accepting multiple/partial payments towards invoices.
  • Minimized number of late/missed payments and got receivables on time due to keeping data and schedule organized.
  • Minimized the data entry errors and improved the invoices’ accuracy via reducing the manual data entry and paperwork.
  • Detecting partners and customers who fail to pay on time via monitoring their behavior across invoice history.
  • Cut business expenses on paper, printing, and postage due to emailing invoices.
  • An accurate picture of the company's finances thanks to monitoring expenses, logging work hours and getting paid faster.
  • Healthy financial forecast via recording and analyzing the company's expenses and receivables.
  • Established a strong brand identity in front of clients, partners, and potential customers.
invoicing software solution for performing the professional service.

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