Sales Promotion Software

Sales Promotion Software

Promotion software gives companies of all sizes great marketing opportunities.

Well-organized advertising campaigns: 

  • Help to promote the company's business and brand. 
  • Allow to inform customers about goods and services. 
  • Give the abilitI to engage new customers.
  • Improve relationships with existing clients. 
  • Enable performing more sales.

Companies spend many resources on promotion and advertising. If you want to know how your investments work and what results you have achieved, start to use a promotion software system that meets your needs and requirements.

Promotion software enables planning, managing, and controlling:

  • Telemarketing campaigns – a form of marketing that consists of connecting by telephone calls with existing and potential customers.
  • Online marketing – a strategy of using a diversity of internet tools and solutions to reach new customers and build up the company’s reputation.
  • Email marketing – a form of direct marketing that consists of sending emails with commercial messages to an audience.
  • Leaflet marketing – distributing leaflets via handouts and letterbox drops.
  • Advertising – a form of marketing communication based on an openly sponsored message with the purpose to promote or sell products and services. 
  • Promotions – marketing communication used to inform the target audience of products or services' merits and create audience interest in these products or services.
  • Discounts – a decrease in goods' and services' basic prices.

Promotion software features

1. Sales forecasting – estimating future sales. Based on past sales data, economic trends, industry-wide comparisons, and other factors that might influence the customer buying decision, sales forecasting helps companies to make informed business decisions and predict short-term and long-term actions.

2. Promotion planning – optimizing the use of marketing tools, strategies, and resources to promote goods and services with the purpose to generate demand for them and meet the set objectives.

3. Promotion budgeting – defining a specified amount of money to cover the anticipated costs spent on promoting the company's products or services with the purpose of business growth and maintaining the brand name.

4. Promotion optimization – generating the best calendars of promotional activities based on identified limitations.

5. Promotion monitoring – tracking how much every promotion improves the goods/services and related items/services sales, and how much offered discounts are affecting business profitability.

6. Predictive modeling – simulation of different situations when one or more marketing levers are changed and evaluate the predicted impact of that change.

digital marketing software

7. Reporting – generating reports focused on measuring performance for promotional efforts:

  • the full retail amount of what the company would have received without a discount; 
  • the total discounted amount; 
  • the total amount discounted for every type of product or service; 
  • percent discount offered for every type of product or service; 
  • a number of every type of promoted product or service that has been sold; 
  • sale amount received for every promoted product or service, and others.

8. Post-event analysis – analyzing events that have already happened and asking fundamental questions about the future:

  • Did the company meet goals and objectives, including budgetary goals? 
  • What could the company have done differently to make the vent more productive? 
  • Did the company have enough advertising for the event? 
  • Did the company execute the event in a professional manner? 
  • How does the event allow the company to grow? 
  • Would the company execute a similar event in the future?

Advantages provided by sales promotion software:

  • Reaching new customers.
  • Targeting specific groups of customers based on locations, interests, preferences, and other characteristics.
  • Distributing information about provided products and services.
  • Creating the database of relevant customers.
  • Accountability and transparency of all investments in product or service promotion and advertising. 
  • Tracking all promotion activities through all agencies. 
  • Holding all marketing data in one centralized system. 
  • Monitoring marketing performance.
  • Increasing sales.

Companies spend significant amounts of money and time on promotions of their brands and services with the purpose to raise revenue and increase market share. The goal of promotion software is to help companies in managing their complex trade promotion activity.

promotional software for sales

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